The body image of each era is different. So while in the 1960s curvy women’s bodies were “fashionable”, later we moved into the era of Twiggy.

However, regardless of the rules of each era, well-shaped buttocks in combination with a firm breast are elements that add to the shapely female body. With the passage of age, weight fluctuations and pregnancy, a relaxation of the tissues in the area occurs. It is aggravated by a sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise.

To achieve the lifting of the buttocks there are different techniques that usually combine liposculpture and perhaps inserts or silicone “mesh”. Rarely, the sagging is so great that excess skin needs to be removed, and then we mainly refer to the body lift after a large weight loss.

The loss of volume and relaxation in the buttocks is not exclusively a female problem, although the majority of patients are women, there are also men who experience a strong loss of volume in the area, either from building their body or after losing weight.

For patients who want to improve the appearance of the buttocks to be more well-shaped there are the following options:

Brazilian Butt Augmentation:

It is done by transferring autologous fat to these points with the aim of either increasing the volume of the buttocks or shaping their shape to make them look rounder. In this case, of course, first the excess fat is suctioned from some parts of the body, mainly the waist, abdomen and back. Then after processing the fat is placed diffusely in 2-3 layers on the buttocks to increase the volume where needed. This procedure really belongs to the category of liposuction as it has to do with the overall appearance of the body, where our goal is a slim waist, without excess fat around the circumference and with round and well-shaped buttocks. The operation is performed under general or local anesthesia. The patient can go home the same day and wears a special corset for about 2 weeks. Due to the partial absorption of the fat transferred to the area, in some rare cases, it may be necessary to repeat the procedure after 6 months.

Buttock augmentation using silicone inserts:

For many years, the main method of increasing volume and lifting the buttocks is augmentation using special silicone inserts. It is recommended for women with a great degree of weakness in this particular area and of course for very thin patients where liposuction will not provide the required amount of fat. The operation is usually done under general anesthesia and the incision is in the mesogluteal fold, invisible after a short time. The technique involves opening a pocket under the gluteus maximus muscle and inserting the insert. The patient is discharged from the hospital the following day.

At the first visit to the doctor’s office, it will be decided together with the doctor which is the most suitable method for each patient depending on the problem he presents. Regardless of the method used, there is some discomfort in the following days when sitting and lying down, and swelling and bruising may occur. A special corset is used for 2 weeks and the patient can return to work after 1 week and to exercise after 1 month.