Exosomes are essential components of stem cells with the main property of regenerating and healing neighboring damaged cells. Products of the most advanced research of recent years in the field of antiaging.

They are nanovesicles containing lipids, nucleic acids and growth factors in high purity and very high concentration.

Exosomes are responsible for communication between cells, influencing their environment and conveying messages of cellular regeneration and reversal of cellular senescence.

-Improve collagen production up to 700% and elastin resulting in firm and elastic skin with fewer wrinkles and lines

– They fight over-production of melanin resulting in a reduction of freckles and discoloration

-Improve acne scars, open pores and erythema

– They have an antioxidant effect, preventing the production of free radicals that are responsible for cell aging.

-They fight inflammation and help repair the skin barrier.

– The healing time for scars, burns and any other skin injury is significantly reduced


Exosome treatment protocol

Treatment with exosomes is done in combination with a micro-pen or Fractional laser. These treatments cause micro-injuries to the skin and help the exosomes penetrate into the lower layers of the skin, where regeneration and cell renewal begins.

Treatment areas





-Scars, stretch marks

3 treatments with an interval of 15 days between them are recommended for a complete renewal.

 Throughout the anagenetic treatment, special cosmetic creams with stem cells are used for intensive care and completion of the treatment.