Get the body of your dreams today

Lipofreeze cryolipolysis is a more modern, clinically tested and approved medical method of body liposculpture. Innovative technology that bloodlessly cools and destroys the fat cells of the subcutaneous fatty tissue in the selected areas.

It has been shown that fat cells cannot withstand extreme cold and dissolve if exposed to sub-zero temperatures for a certain period of time. This property of adipose tissue is exploited by the cryolipolysis method. Damaged fat cells are removed from the body through the lymphatic system.


The special lipofreeze gels apply to even the most difficult areas. Local fat deposits such as the “lifebuoys” of the periphery, the abdomen, the buttocks, the inner thighs and the knees are usually treated with this technique. Exactly the areas that are usually resistant to diet and exercise.

First, a special soaked pad is applied and the suction of the area to be treated begins, so that the fatty tissue is trapped inside the heads. Then the area is cooled down to -6 degrees Celsius, resulting in the apoptosis of fat cells which are not regenerated.

The treatment, depending on the area, lasts 45-60 minutes, is perfectly well tolerated and painless, as the cooling numbs the skin.

At the end of the session there is redness in the area that lasts for a few hours.

The normal process of removing damaged fat cells from the body takes 3-6 weeks with the first results visible already after 20 days. According to clinical studies patients lose 20-25% of local fat after the first treatment.

Depending on the problem, 1-3 sessions are needed.

In between lipofreeze cryolipolysis sessions, LPG endermologie lymphatic massage treatments are performed, to increase blood and lymphatic circulation resulting in faster elimination of damaged fat cells and mechanical stimulation of adipose tissue leading to further lipolysis, elimination of toxins and sculpting of the body.

In combination with a balanced diet, you can in a short period of time get the body you dream of painlessly, easily, continuing your daily activities without interruption.